northwest: n.西北;西北部;西北地方;〔the N-〕美国西北部;加拿大西北部。 northwest by north 西北偏北〔西北偏北11°15′〕。 northwest by west 西北偏西〔西北偏西11°15′〕。adj.西北的;向西北的;自西北的。adv.向西北,在西北。-er 强烈的西北风。adv.-erly ,adj.向西北(的);从西北(吹来的)。adj.-ern
The northwest ordinance of july 13, 1787 which applied to the government of territory settled northwest of the ohio river . 一七八七年七月十三日的西北地域法令是为俄亥俄河西北地域建立政府而制定的。
The land ordinance of 1785 and the northwest ordinance of 1787 provided a basis for the orderly and systematic expansion of the united states through land acquisition and settlement 《 1785年土地法令》和《 1787年西北法令》为美国通过土地销售和殖民活动来进行有序而系统的扩张打下了基础。